Majors & Degrees Computation and Data Physics Track

The computation and data physics track provides students with a strong foundation in core physics principles coupled with courses in computer science that provide a robust literacy for solving computational problems in the physical sciences. Students who follow this track are well-suited for a variety of technical careers, most notably those in software engineering and related fields. Students graduate with a B.S. in Physics in the computation and data physics track. 

A Degree Built for Impact

"The new Westmont Computational and Data Physics degree is a unique way for students to study physics and computer science with an emphasis on data science. As someone who majored in Engineering Physics at Westmont and went on to earn an MS in Business Analytics, this major is the perfect intersection of these two worlds. There is a huge opportunity for students with both skill sets to make a big impact in the physics, engineering, and even business world. If I could go back in time, I'd definitely choose this major at Westmont."

— Daniel Hill '23

Data Runs the World Now

"Data runs the world now, and Westmont is keeping competitive in preparing students for industry by creating a new computational and data physics track offering that allows students to learn the skills that are valuable to all engineering / physics jobs today. I get increasingly excited as I read line-by-line down the courses in the new Computational and Data Physics B.S. Track because I use the skills from these courses in my everyday job and would have been all in on this major had it been available during my time at Westmont".

— Sarah Reed (‘19, Engineering Physics)

Sample Schedule

FALL (17 credits)
  • PHY 21: General Physics I (4)
  • PHY 22: General Physics Lab I (1)
  • MA 9: Calculus I (4)
  • CS 10: Design and Implementation of Solutions to Computational Problems (4)
  • General Education (4)
  • PHY 23: General Physics II (4)
  • PHY 24: General Physics Lab II (1)
  • MA 10: Calculus II (4)
  • CS 030 Abstract Models for Concrete Problems Using Java (4)
  • General Education (4)
  • PEA 32: Fitness for Life (1)
  • Suggested Mayterm: GE Elective (4) on campus or abroad
  • Suggested research with Westmont faculty or REU
FALL (17)
  • PHY 25: Modern Physics (4)
  • MA 19: Multivariable Calculus (4)
  • CS 015 Discrete Mathematics (4)
  • General Education (4)
  • PEA elective (1)
  • PHY 26: Modern Physics Lab. (1)
  • PHY 40: Differential Equations (4)
  • CS 120 Space, Time, and Perfect Algorithms (4)
  • General Education (8)
  • Suggested research with Westmont faculty, internship or REU
Fall (17)
  • PHY 150: Electricity and Magnetism OR PHY-121 Quantum Mechanics I(4)
  • Recommended: CS 150 Topics in Computer Science: Human Factors (4)
  • General Education (8)
  • PEA Elective (1)
Spring (16)
  • PHY 131 Classical Mechanics (4) OR PHY 160 Thermodynamics (4) 
  • PHY 105: Computational Physics (4)
  • General Education (8)
  • Suggested research with Westmont faculty, internship or REU
Fall (13)
  • PHY 150: Electricity and Magnetism OR PHY-121 Quantum Mechanics I(4)
  • PHY-198: Research (1) OR CS/PHY/EN Internship (1) 
  • General Education (8)
Spring (14)
  • CS 116 Artificial Intelligence (4) OR one of CS 125, CS 128, CS130 
  • PHY 195: Senior Seminar (1)
  • PHY 170 Adv. Lab (1)
  • General Education (8)